Category Archives: protest

Reform of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac – Homeownership & Equity Protection Act


    1. After 12 years of Republican control, the Republicans failed to enact meaningful reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    1. In 1994 the Democratic Congress passed the Home Ownership & Equity Protection Act (HOEPA).
  3. The Truth versus the Republicans on the Regulation of Subprime Mortgages and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

    The Homeownership & Equity Protection Act

    1. That law included a host of consumer protections for high-cost mortgages and specifically required that the Federal Reserve issue rules to stop abusive lending practices.
    1. During the 12 years of Republican control – which included the subprime housing bubble at the heart of our current economic crisis – no regulation was ever enacted under that authority.
    1. Former Fed Chairman Greenspan was asked numerous times to issue rules (including internally by Former Governor Ed Gramlich) but refused on ideological grounds.
    1. Republican ideologues have long thwarted mortgage and consumer protection.
    1. Only after the Democrats took control of the Congress and initiated specific legislative reforms (H.R. 3915) did Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke finally issue regulations under the very authority they have had since 1994.

    Reform of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac

    Buy Euros before the greenback has a heart attack and your dollars are worthless!

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Filed under American economy, american people, dying dollar, economy, finance and economics, homes and homeowners, protest, us dollar, worldwide financial meltdown

USAA Auto Insurance Complaints: Power to the People – Expose, Confront, and Launch Media War Against USAA

Beat your lying & cheating insurance company to get thousands more $$$ you deserve and paid for with your hard earned premiums for years. Get what you deserve from your accident & personal injury claim.

Let’s come together and march in protest on USAA’s corporate headquarters in San Antonio, Texas. Disgruntled military, mothers, children, fathers, granfathers, grandmothers, aunts, and uncles let’s show USAA “Don’t mess with Texas, nor the American people!”

Power to the people!  Let’s organize, strategize, and nationally vocalize our complaints!

Paul F. Davis is a world-changer who has touched over 50 countries & 6 continents building bridges cross-culturally and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!


Paul is the author of 14 books. Paul has appeared on numerous internationally broadcast radio shows from Oprah & Friends to Fox News Radio to talk about conflict resolution, peacemaking, foreign policy, and diplomacy. Playboy Radio’s Afternoon Advice host Tiffany Granath calls Paul an “awesome” relational coach and recommends his books on love, dating, and sexuality.


Academically outstanding Davis was trained in transformative mediation & conflict resolution (Hofstra Law School); strategic negotiations (Harvard Business School & U. of Washington); advanced interrogation (Reid & Associates founders of the polygraph); and NLP & Life Coaching (NLP & Coaching Institute of California).


Paul humorously and elegantly transforms individuals and organizations.


Paul’s organization Dream-Maker Ministries builds dreams, transcends limitations, and reconciles nations.


Paul worked at Ground Zero in NYC during 9/11; helped rebuild a home at the tsunami epicenter; comforted victims of genocide in Rwanda; spoke to leaders in East Timor during the war; inspired students & monks in Myanmar; promoted peace & reconciliation in Pakistan; and has been so deep into the bush of rural Africa where villagers had never before seen a white man.


Paul empowers people to love passionately and live fearlessly.

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Filed under 60 minutes, adventure, afflicting pain and suffering, america, american people, angry insured, backbone, bad faith claim, bravery, breach of contract, christian conservative, claims adjuster, class action, commitment, confronting corruption, conspiring to defraud, consumer advocacy, consumer fraud, crime, customary business practices, daring democrats, disgruntled consumers, documentary filmmaker, don't mess with texas, editor, emotional duress and stress, facing the giants, families, family & friends, fl, florida, freedom, grass roots, green party going against corporate crooks, human rights and peace, insightful independents, insurance regulation, investigative reporter, law & order, legal matters, leveling goliath, lies and deceit, media war, meet the press, michael moore, military, moral majority, movement, overcoming adversity, power to the people, press, prophetic army, protest, publicity, punitive damages, radical republicans, rico act, san antonio, subrogation, support the troops, total loss valuation, treble damages, true democracy, unfair insurance practices, usaa, vehicle history, violated, voice of conscience, voice of truth, whistleblower

Documentary Filmmakers, Videographers, Editors, Whistleblowers Needed to Expose USAA and Insurers to America

Beat your lying & cheating insurance company to get thousands more $$$ you deserve and paid for with your hard earned premiums for years. Get what you deserve from your accident & personal injury claim.

Whistleblowers (inside and out USAA) needed to go public about USAA and big insurers defrauding the American people daily. Help make a documentary film to expose big insurance companies ripping off the little guy and disregarding all human suffering as they fill their financial coffers with more dough by way of our hard earned premiums.

Videographers, editors, documentary filmmakers needed to capture this monumental expose on USAA and big insurers across the country. The sequel to Michael Moore’s “Sicko” as we the people get empowered and take this movement of emancipation from corporate crookery to the next level.

Let’s come together people, join forces, and use the power of the media to vocalize insurance fraud on a grand unprecedented scale.  The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Give me some Davids willing to take on and battle Goliath!

Paul F Davis

Paul F. Davis is a world-changer who has touched over 50 countries & 6 continents building bridges cross-culturally and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!


Paul is the author of 14 books. Paul has appeared on numerous internationally broadcast radio shows from Oprah & Friends to Fox News Radio to talk about conflict resolution, peacemaking, foreign policy, and diplomacy. Playboy Radio’s Afternoon Advice host Tiffany Granath calls Paul an “awesome” relational coach and recommends his books on love, dating, and sexuality.


Academically outstanding Davis was trained in transformative mediation & conflict resolution (Hofstra Law School); strategic negotiations (Harvard Business School & U. of Washington); advanced interrogation (Reid & Associates founders of the polygraph); and NLP & Life Coaching (NLP & Coaching Institute of California).


Paul humorously and elegantly transforms individuals and organizations.


Paul’s organization Dream-Maker Ministries builds dreams, transcends limitations, and reconciles nations.


Paul worked at Ground Zero in NYC during 9/11; helped rebuild a home at the tsunami epicenter; comforted victims of genocide in Rwanda; spoke to leaders in East Timor during the war; inspired students & monks in Myanmar; promoted peace & reconciliation in Pakistan; and has been so deep into the bush of rural Africa where villagers had never before seen a white man.


Paul empowers people to love passionately and live fearlessly.

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Filed under 60 minutes, AC 360 keeping them honest, adventure, afflicting pain and suffering, bad faith claim, business, economics, commerce, christian conservative, class action, confronting corruption, conspiring to defraud, consumer advocacy, consumer fraud, crime, customary business practices, daring democrats, documentary filmmaker, editor, emotional duress and stress, facing the giants, florida, green party going against corporate crooks, harassment, insightful independents, insurance regulation, investigative reporter, law & order, legal matters, leveling goliath, lies and deceit, media war, meet the press, michael moore, moral majority, power to the people, press, prophetic army, protest, punitive damages, radical republicans, rico act, sicko, subrogation, total loss valuation, treble damages, unfair insurance practices, usaa, vehicle history, videographer, vin, voice of conscience, voice of truth, whistleblower