Tag Archives: spirit

The Secret – Spirit of Faith to Launch Your Future

If you can breathe, you can believe. Now lay hold of the spirit of faith to lay hold of all that you’ve ever dreamed of.

Get rid of stinking thinking. Replace anxiety with creativity. Shout out with a voice of triumph and reconnect with your Creator who controls the universe. Let go of the pain of the past and launch out with childlike faith to bring forth your desirable future!

www.PaulFDavis.com – worldwide speaker and life-changing author of 17 books including Supernatural Fire

Invite Paul to speak in your city and impart the spirit of faith empowering you to live your dreams!


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Filed under faith for the future, forget your past and grab your future, from your past to your future, go get your future, make your future desirable, secret to success, spirit of faith, the secret

Why Christian Retail Book Market Self-Help Books Get Attention of Wal-Mart, Target, & Grocery Stores

Christian retail is a hot market. Mainstream stores such as Wal-Mart, Target, and even grocery stores throughout the nation are profiting from the sale of Christian books, music, and DVDs.

http://www.PaulFDavis.com – author of God vs. Religion


Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, brings in annual sales from Christian merchandise in excess of $1 billion annually. It shouldn’t come as a surprise from both a business and values based perspective. Wal-Mart’s founder Sam Walton always wanted to reflect the values of his customers and uphold morality to support their local community.

With Wal-Mart, Target, and grocery stores such as Publix in the south selling Christian books and merchandise, consumers have more options. That means the some 8,000 small Christian retailers scattered across the U.S. can no longer charge obscene retail prices for wholesome God fearing merchandise. This is good for consumers. Furthermore where the big retailers like Wal-Mart and Target fail to have product depth, smaller retailers can provide additional attention to Christian customers seeking enriching spiritual materials and music.

Why are Christian self-help books and music flourishing across the country and getting the attention of major retailers?

1. People are spiritually hungry and not being sufficiently fed on Sundays at church.

Most people physically eat three meals a day. How then spiritually can we be expected to live on one small snack a week spiritually? Many churches don’t allow for very long sermons any more. Pastors are afraid people will leave and therefore have shortened their messages. Many in the pulpit are trying to be entertaining and thereby have minimized their ability to equip and empower God’s people.

Those who are spiritually hungry are therefore running to Christian bookstores to obtain edifying and enriching materials to empower them to serve God. Beyond churchgoers are those spiritually desirous of a relationship with God who never attend church. They too are seeking stimulating spiritual material to awaken and feed their spirit.

2. As the world gets increasingly troublesome and America becomes all the more engrossed in a global war on terror, people are fearing for their lives.

As life becomes more precious and sacred once again, people are awakening to their mortality and becoming spiritual. People want to know about the end-times, the end of the age, how they ought to live, and want to be adequately prepared for major global occurences lest they be caught unaware.

3. Marriages and families are falling apart like never before.

As marriages and the family structure is disintegrating due to increased immorality throughout the land, many are running back to the Bible and its ageless truths. When your life, marriage, and family begins falling apart you will humble yourself and seek help. Many are doing so through self-help Christian books with timeless truths.

4. Parents are having a difficult time rearing their children in a secularized culture that is trying to swallow them up.

MTV, hip-hop music, dance clubs, ghetto dress codes, and foul talking youth are frightening parents. Many are seeking guidance from spiritual authors who address issues they face on a daily basis. Tough talk is needed and when Pastors shun their responsibility, mature parents run to bookshelves seeking answers and guidance.

The Christian retail industry is estimated to be a $3 billion business annually, according to the Christian Booksellers Association. Beyond Bibles and books, retailers are doing very well selling Christian apparel, music, videos, gifts, artwork, software and a variety of children’s products.

Christians want to follow the great commandment given by Jesus to love their neighbor and seek to begin by showing them the way to salvation through Christ. Creating a culture of our own, Christians and retailers are successfully impacting the world and awaking the lost to the reality of the risen Christ. Nothing is more satisfying than to see people excited about the love of God and newness of life in Christ.

Invite worldwide minister Paul F Davis and author to speak in your city!RevivingNations@yahoo.com (or) gmail.com

If you liked what you read, check out Paul’s books: http://paulfdavis.com/booksvideos.htm

Paul is the author of several books including Update Your Identity; Waves of God; Supernatural Fire; God vs. Religion; United States of Arrogance; Poems that Propel the Planet; Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Adultery 101; Are You Ready for True Love?; Stop Lusting & Start Living; and many more!

Paul’s new book “Update Your Identity” clarifies quotes from Jesus used in Eckhart Tolle’s and Oprah’s highly promoted ‘New Earth”. Paul seeks a publisher and distributor for this 200 page book to alleviate confusion in the body of Christ and point people down the narrow path that enters into life.

Paul Davis is a highly sought after worldwide minister who moves in the miraculous to touch and transform humanity.

Paul has a unique ability to hear the voice of God, naturally bring forth the supernatural in a playful and heartfelt fashion, unlock and simply explain divine mysteries, impart life changing revelation, and usher in powerful manifestation bringing heaven to earth.



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Evangelism Explosion – Acquire the Fire to Win Souls, Make Disciples, Impact Nations, Birth Revival

Soul winning and evangelism training with worldwide evangelist Paul F. Davis who has won souls across the globe touching over 50 countries and 6 continents.


Equip and empower your church to seek and save the lost. Unprecedented church growth, harvest of souls, and revival now!

Jesus said, “I will make you fishers of men” (Mark 1:17).


Fishing happens usually one of two ways: with a hook and a net.

I liken the net approach to fishing nations, going into all the world to “seek and save the lost” (see Luke 19:10). Yet the evangelist Philip was also skillful in one-on-one evangelism. Being led by the Spirit of God to leave a great revival full of multitudes of people to whom he was preaching in the city of Samaria, Philip was taken by God to Gaza on the backside of the desert to speak to an Ethiopian of great authority (see Acts 8).

The divine appointment orchestrated by God was beautifully arranged, because when Philip arrived and showed up the Ethiopian was already reading the prophet Isaiah from the Bible (see Acts 8:26-29). Philip immediately asked him, “Do you understand what you are reading?” (v. 30)

Interestingly, Philip’s evangelistic approach began in the form of a question. Jesus was often no different in His approach. The Lord asked His disciple Peter, “Who do men say that I am? Who do you say that I am?” (see Matthew 16:13,15).

Here are some good soul winning and evangelism questions to use to open hearts in route to salvation when you converse with people on a daily basis.

– Have you discovered the grace of God?

– Have you ever felt burdened and weighed down by sin?

– Have you ever felt guilt and shame, but didn’t know what to do about it?

– Do you know how to be reconciled to your heavenly Father and experience the blessings of heaven?

– Have you experienced the embrace of our loving God?

– Do you know the fullness of life available to you in Jesus Christ?

– Have you experienced the joy of newness of life?

– Do you know the Prince of peace who quiets all stress and strife in your life?

– Do you have any questions about God or things I can pray for you concerning?

– What is the best thing and the worst thing you have ever heard about God?

– Have you ever known religion and religious people to misrepresent the heart of God?

– How do you and your family feel about God?

Paul F Davis – Worldwide Minister equipping the body of Christ to win souls and make disciples; author of several books including “Supernatural Fire”; “Waves of God”; “God vs. Religion”; “Breakthrough for a Broken Heart”; and “Are You Ready for True Love?”

Invite Paul to speak and minister in your city; conduct a soul winning training conference; lead an outreach to impact your community; and equip your church members to live victoriously.




Paul F. Davis is a world-changing minister who has touched over 50 countries & 6 continents building bridges cross-culturally and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!

Paul is the author of 14 books. Paul has appeared on numerous internationally broadcast radio shows from Oprah & Friends to Fox News Radio to talk about conflict resolution, peacemaking, foreign policy, and diplomacy. Playboy Radio’s Afternoon Advice host Tiffany Granath calls Paul an “awesome” relational coach and recommends his books on love, dating, and sexuality.

Academically outstanding Davis was trained in transformative mediation & conflict resolution (Hofstra Law School); strategic negotiations (Harvard Business School & U. of Washington); advanced interrogation (Reid & Associates founders of the polygraph); and NLP & Life Coaching (NLP & Coaching Institute of California).

Paul humorously and elegantly transforms individuals and organizations.

Paul’s organization Dream-Maker Ministries builds dreams, transcends limitations, and reconciles nations.

Paul worked at Ground Zero in NYC during 9/11; helped rebuild a home at the tsunami epicenter; comforted victims of genocide in Rwanda; spoke to leaders in East Timor during the war; inspired students & monks in Myanmar; promoted peace & reconciliation in Pakistan; and has been so deep into the bush of rural Africa where villagers had never before seen a white man.

Paul empowers people to love God passionately and live for Christ fearlessly.



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A Beautiful Cardinal Flew Toward Me

As I walked into my bedroom what did I see?

I looked through the window in the distance

And to my great joy saw God answer for me

A personal prayer I had uttered weeks earlier

A simple and heartfelt request for a cardinal

A beautiful bird I had not seen in some time

Why I desired to see this beautiful red bird

I know not particularly, but it appealed to me

Perhaps cardinals in Florida are a bit of a rarity

Beyond the black birds and bluejays secondarily

From my days as a boy with a birdhouse out back

Sometimes the squirrels the bluejays would attack

Yet today this gorgeous cardinal with an orange beek

Was strangely still as he was listening for me to speak

Fully red from pointed fluffy head to luscious tail

Upon seeing this bird it made me feel quite well

Although in the distance sitting upon my fence

I somehow knew this lovely bird was God sent

For that Sunday in my office I had been writing

But not only writing, also whistling a worship song

A powerful church song in my spirit all the day long

Feeling a sense of sweet serendipity, I watched intently

When suddenly increasing my joy the bird flew to me

Drawing near to hear equally with intense curiosity

Surprisingly straight to me, directly toward the window

Stopping to rest just feet from me upon the clothes line

My spirit rejoiced within, my mind content and sublime

For not only was I aroused by nature but my loving Creator

Who truly answers my heartfelt prayer, proving He does care

Therefore I shall not be trapped by unbelief’s foul snare

Because I know my God knows atop my head every hair

My heavenly Father’s ears are open, His eyes looking down

Undoubtedly upon me His marvelous grace does abound.

Paul F Davis – worldwide minister and author of several books including “Poems That Propel The Planet”



Paul F Davis is a worldwide minister who moves in the miraculous to touch and transform humanity.

Paul has a unique ability to hear the voice of God, naturally bring forth the supernatural in a playful and heartfelt fashion, unlock and simply explain divine mysteries, impart life changing revelation, and usher in powerful manifestation bringing heaven to earth.


Paul is the author of several books including Waves of God; Supernatural Fire; God vs. Religion; United States of Arrogance; Poems that Propel the Planet; Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Adultery 101; Are You Ready for True Love; Stop Lusting & Start Living; and many more!


Paul’s compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul’s Dream-Maker Ministries builds dreams, transcends limitations, & reconciles nations.







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Islam and Muslim Protests in London, UK, and Europe – Impotence, Intolerance, and Violence

I received an email this morning picturing Muslims protesting on the streets of London, England with anger in their hearts, hatred in their mouths, and slogans of violence on signs in their hands. Is this the heart of God? I think not.
Among the disheartening images I saw, the unforgettable words on the signs read:
“Europe you will pay. Demolition is on its way.”
“Europe you will pay. Your extermination is on its way.”
“Butch those who mock Islam.”
“Europe is the cancer. Islam is the answer.”
“Islam will dominate the world.”
“Europe take some lessons from 9/11.”
“Europe you will pay. Your 9/11 is on its way.”
“Be prepared for the real holocaust.”
“Massacre those who insult Islam.”
“Exterminate those who insult Islam.”
“Behead those who insult Islam.”
“Slay those who insult Islam.”
They who seek to defend their religion with violence prove to the world that God is not in it. Cannot God defend Himself without human help? I think so. Yet when God is not in a man-made religion, religious followers must arise to kill, compel, and constrain people to obey its rigid and frigid tenets.  
God is love and will defend the glory of His Name! 
Have you forgotten “Thou shalt not take the Lord’s name in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless” (Exodus 20:7).  Muslims, Americans, Christians, and anyone who advocates killing in God’s name does not know the Lord (John 16:1-3). God Himself will uphold the honor of His name and judge those who advocate killing in His holy Name. God is a life giver, not a killer.
Jesus did not come to destroy lives, but to save lives (John 3:17).
They who kill innocent blood, there blood will be shed (Genesis 9:6).
What we tolerate will dominate. If the British permit this type of behavior on their streets, it will persist until they become fed up and swiftly deal with these evildoers.  Until the British awake to the backsliddeness of their hearts and destitute spiritual condition, Islamic fundamentalism and protests such as this on their streets must continue to intensify to get their attention. Spiritual battles require spiritual wisdom, power, love, and discipline to win (see 2 Corinthians 10:3-6).
The British must awake, arise, and boldly confront evil lest they be overtaken by it!
As for your remarks about political candidates, the hope of America and the world is not in elections but in Jesus Christ and His church.  Political candidates only serve to reveal the spiritual state of the people who elect them. 

Paul F Davis – Revivalist, Worldwide Minister, and Author of several books including God vs. Religion

Paul F Davis is a worldwide minister who moves in the miraculous to touch and transform humanity.

Paul has a unique ability to hear the voice of God, naturally bring forth the supernatural in a playful and heartfelt fashion, unlock and simply explain divine mysteries, impart life changing revelation, and usher in powerful manifestation bringing heaven to earth.


Paul is the author of several books including Waves of God; Supernatural Fire; God vs. Religion; United States of Arrogance; Poems that Propel the Planet; Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Adultery 101; Are You Ready for True Love; Stop Lusting & Start Living; and many more!


Paul’s compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul’s Dream-Maker Ministries builds dreams, transcends limitations, & reconciles nations.


Do we need to insult Islam? It seems they who claim to be Muslims are already doing a pretty good job.
Paul F Davis – author of God vs. Religion

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Holy Spirit of the living God – Breathe afresh upon me, making my life what it ought to be

Wonderful Holy Spirit, blessed Holy Spirit of the living God

Breathe afresh upon me, make my life what it ought to be

Burn away the sin, flesh, rebellion, and stubbornness in me

Take my life to the heights of heaven so I can dwell with Thee

Give me a delightful and sustaining taste of inescapable eternity

Lift my head high above the pain of the past so I might fully be

All that you created me to fulfill throughout my life and destiny

As you come gracious Holy Spirit and patiently work mightily in me

I shall be transformed continually and arise to give you great glory

Take this little boy, make him an honorable man, rewrite his life story.


Paul F Davis – worldwide minister, author, and poet


If you liked that you must get Paul’s 500 page poetry book “POEMS THAT PROPEL THE PLANET” for some inspirational and spiritual life-changing poetry.





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Extreme Prophetic – Your Paradigm Shift

The prophetic is always most wonderful
As the people on earth become spiritual
Move beyond the flesh and past the soul
Awaken within to their divine identity
Get clear on things and are made whole
The prophetic is more fun than the Super Bowl
Reclaim from them what fear and demons
Have over time cleverly and subtly stole
The prophetic uplifts you from depression’s hole
Perhaps inquisitively and rightly you say, “How so?”
Well, the prophetic reconnects you to the Creator
Quieting you within to hear your Maker’s voice
The voice of the Lord is power setting you free
Making you rejoice and dance within happily
As the breakthrough by the Holy Spirit comes
Into your glorious God given purpose you run
Becoming acquainted with your divine identity
You simultaneously awaken to your destiny
Both the eternal and earthly equally abundantly
As God gives you eyes to supernaturally see
Ears to intuitively inwardly connect and hear
Causing the priceless voice of God to be near
Near and dear, the Holy Spirit removes fear
Bringing forth supernatural operations and weapons
Empowering you mightily within to arise and win
Every battle you face, as you see the Lord’s face
Run the race, that He’s mapped out before you
Taking you from glory to glory, faith to faith
Strength to strength, and loving grace to grace
Enabling you to transcend every earthly limitation
As you feast on divine knowledge and revelation
Move in the miraculous bringing forth manifestations
To awaken skeptics, silence critics, and live in the fullness
Of Christ the King of glory, the captain of the hosts
Christ our portion, in whom our soul makes its boast.

Paul F Davis – International Speaker, Prophet, and Author

If you liked what you read, check out Paul’s books “Waves of God”; “Supernatural Fire”; and “God vs. Religion” at http://paulfdavis.com/booksvideos.htm

Paul Davis is a highly sought after worldwide minister who moves in the miraculous to touch and transform humanity.

Paul has a unique ability to hear the voice of God, naturally bring forth the supernatural in a playful and heartfelt fashion, unlock and simply explain divine mysteries, impart life changing revelation, and usher in powerful manifestation bringing heaven to earth.

Paul is the author of several books including United States of Arrogance; Poems that Propel the Planet; Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Adultery 101; Are You Ready for True Love; Stop Lusting & Start Living; A New Earth – Connect with Your Creator & Experience Endless Awakenings; and many more!

Paul’s compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul’s Dream-Maker Ministries builds dreams, transcends limitations, & reconciles nations.

http://www.PaulFDavis.comRevivingNations@yahoo.com (or) gmail.com

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From Girls Gone Wild To God’s Gone Wild – Turning the Religious World Upside Down

Lifeguard, fitness trainer, and world traveler goes from being a Girls Gone Wild womanizer to a God’s Gone Wild minister rocking the planet, plundering hell, and populating heaven. Boldly revolutionizing the religious world, shaking theological boats, and reviving nations!

As a Florida lifeguard and fitness trainer meeting beautiful women was easy. Going to work included getting meeting chicks, getting phone numbers, and dating different ladies throughout the week – a kind of overflow of sorts from my work. Plus I was always checking out babes in bikinis or workout attire at the health club.

All the wild partying and craziness was fun but not exceedingly fulfilling. It was just entertaining and juvenile. Nevertheless what else was a young man to do with raging hormones and testosterone surging through my veins?

Well to my surprise one night while studying for some upcoming exams at UCF, I was getting a bit drowsy and thought I had better turn on the TV before I fall asleep. Flipping through the channels with the remote I did just that, haphazardly looking for something to watch.

It was then surprisingly I hit a religious channel that upon first glance I wasn’t all that interested in. Yet since the host of the program was inviting viewers at home to pray, I thought: “I will pray with you. I believe in God. I’ve got nothing to lose from saying a prayer.”

After praying a brief prayer in which I asked God to forgive my sins and Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit to come live big in my heart, I changed the channel, watched two more hours of TV, and went to bed.

Upon awaking the next morning, I felt an unusual and amazing fiery presence all over me and in me. I immediately remembered praying with the gentleman on TV the night before. I didn’t quite know what was happening to me, but I felt like a newborn baby, clean, pure, innocent, and intensely invigorated.

The peculiar experience was followed four days later by another supernatural visitation in which God’s Spirit touched me powerfully in a youth service a Marine friend of mine (with whom I jogged in the mornings) took me to. After having two burning bush experiences with my Creator in less than a week, I began getting very curious and interested in God. It was like I wanted to know why me all of the sudden. Why was God visiting me and so powerfully and supernaturally?

Since that time I have myself learned to move in the supernatural and launched God’s Gone Wild revolutionizing the religious world. I have touched over 50 countries and 6 continents and am doing things I had never planned or dreamed of. I had always thought I was just going to be a business man making mad money and chasing beautiful women.

Now I am happily married to a gorgeous Canadian entrepreneur and business owner who is better looking than Paris Hilton and all the rest of Hollywood. We’re together living la vida loca, traveling the globe, and getting crazy for God.

It just goes to show you if you keep an open heart anything can happen and often even better things than you could have accomplished in your own strength.

Paul Davis is a highly sought after professional speaker, life purpose coach, worldwide minister, and change master.   Invite Paul to speak in your church or city to birth another great awakening!


Check out http://www.GodsGoneWild.TV

Paul is the author of several books including United States of Arrogance, Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Adultery: 101 Reasons Not to Cheat; Are You Ready for True Love; Stop Lusting & Start Living; Waves of God; Supernatural Fire; Poems that Propel the Planet; and God vs. Religion.

Paul’s compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul’s organization Dream-Maker Ministries is building dreams, breaking limitations & reviving nations.

Paul inspires, revives, awakens, impregnates with purpose, imparts the fire of desire, catapults people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitates destiny discovery and dream fulfillment.

Contact Paul to minister, speak at your event or for life coaching:



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Relational Expert and Minister Celebrated by Playboy Radio – What Every Nympho Needs!

Relational Expert and Minister Paul F. Davis was embraced by Playboy Radio’s Afternoon Advice host Tiffany Grannath and several callers who enjoyed speaking to the author of Breakthrough for a Broken Heart and Adultery: 101 Reasons Not to Cheat. Davis answered questions from callers who had been cheated on themselves and were seeking wisdom as to what to do in their relationship.


Relational Expert and Love Coach Paul F. Davis was interviewed by Playboy Radio’s Tiffany Grannath about cheating, adultery, sexual sobriety, cultivating true love, and sustaining a love that lasts a lifetime.


Davis is the author of Are You Ready For True Love, which assesses relational compatibility & responsibility. “Discern between relational fits, misfits, and counterfeits. If a man tells a woman she’s beautiful, she will overlook most of his other lies. Courtship is that period during which the female decides whether or not she can do any better. Don’t get into the sea of matrimony on a wave of enthusiasm. Learn a lot before tying the knot. Beyond love at first sight, get insight.”


Discern between relational fits, misfits, and counterfeits. If a man tells a woman she’s beautiful, she will overlook most of his other lies. Courtship is that period during which the female decides whether or not she can do any better. Don’t get into the sea of matrimony on a wave of enthusiasm. Learn a lot before tying the knot. Beyond love at first sight, get insight.


Paul himself lived through an adulterous affair in which he went through a personal ground zero (like where he worked in NYC the first week of 9/11), after which he wrote his book Breakthrough for a Broken Heart to empower people to overcome their disappointments and blossom into their dreams.


Davis a worldwide professional speaker has traveled to over 50 countries and 6 continents across the globe comforting and uplifitng humanity. Paul’s message of hope transcends barriers that divide and builds bridges among all peoples. Paul’s organization Dream-Maker Ministries builds dreams, humorously challenges presumptions, transcends limitations, and facilitates transformation.


As a purpose coach Davis transforms individuals and organizations. Relationally speaking, the divorce Davis went through due to adultery, enabled him to pull from the mess a mighty message to liberate humanity. Paul’s book Adultery: 101 Reasons Not to Cheat he originally wrote for himself as a traveling man to keep the fear of God in his own heart and remind himself of the repercussions of wrong doing. Little did Paul know he’d be the victim of an adulterous affair himself when his ex-wife dropped the bomb on him.


Paul wrote a sequel to the Adultery 101 book titled Stop Lusting & Start Living, a sexual recovery plan which he says every nympho needs. Overcoming and harnessing fleshly bodily appetites that seek to rule and enslave us requires spiritual strength. Only as you build up the spirit within can you govern your bodily appetites and reign over unruly fleshly cravings screaming for immediate gratification.


Desperate housewives, strippers, playboys, womanizers, and the hormonally challenged driven by lust are restlessly looking for something and someone to satisfy them. Society is seeking answers to tame their gremlins and advice to achieve self-mastery. Will our consumeristic society ever again be content and committed relationally?


Faith, hope, and love alone anchor the heart and soul. Cheating thwarts the family structure and demoralizes precious children who look to Mommy and Daddy for moral guidance and direction. What then will divorced men and women give to their children? Hopelessness, depression, loneliness, lies, deceit, anger, fear, distrust, unfaithfulness, and betrayal? Are these values we want to teach our children? If not, somehow we must be strengthened to overcome seduction’s temptation.


How shall men keep the womanizer from stealing their wife? Stop betrayal and infidelity early on by harnessing your flesh before the hottie walks by. Get some self-help and purpose in your heart to uphold and fight for your marriage.


Though our bodies want food, sleep, and sex — giving yourself over fully without restraint to your bodily appetites will both destroy your soul and your marriage. The flesh doesn’t care about a wedding ring or marital vows. Therefore we must take dominion over ourselves and make our flesh obey.


Indeed sex is wonderful and a gift from God, but to be a blessing it must be kept within its proper context and not overly exalted. Sex is not love, neither can it satisfy a yearning soul. The flesh is but one of three facets of our person and has the least depth of the three. We are spiritual beings who have a mind and live in a body, says Paul. Therefore to overcome the outward man, we must first build up the inner man by the spirit.


The supernatural flow and miraculous dimension to Paul’s ministry and messages impart an unusual strength to hearts and minds, forfifying people to live victoriously spirit, mind, and body!



Contact Paul F. Davis to speak in your city and be interviewed on your show.



(407) 284-1705


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Xulon Press vs. Publishing Options – Beware of Christian Claims & Xulon Press Promises & Publicity

Don’t be duped by Xulon Press & Salem Communications Christian claims & empty promises.

Xulon Press sells an illusion of publicity & media accessibility that it can’t back up. Xulon Press & Salem Communications failed Paul F Davis author of 4 books.<br>



Xulon Press, a Christian book publisher, provides 10 reasons to choose a publisher on their website – helpful information indeed when considering any publisher. The publisher owned by Salem Communications gives authors some guidelines, but fails to fulfill many of their own promises to its authors.<br>

Author Paul F Davis published 4 books with Xulon Press and gives his opinion in this true & false assessment below.<br>

10 Guidelines to Measure a Publisher By<br>

EXPERIENCE: Xulon Press claims to have published more than 3,900 Christian books since 1999. Title by title, they say they are larger than any other Christian book publisher. That is highly questionable when you consider enormous Christian publishers like Zondervan, Thomas Nelson, and Creation House. I’d like to know how many of Xulon’s books sold more than 100 copies?<br>

AFFORDABLE: For as little as $999 you can get published! If you do your homework when it comes to print on demand (POD) publishing, authors can actually get published for a third of the cost Xulon offers. Therefore $999 is not all that affordable. As to Xulon’s assertion about no “hidden fees” that might be so, but certainly there are flawed promises about publicity and press releases that go unfulfilled. What authors expect and what authors get greatly differs. Xulon’s “proven, time-tested ways to distribute and market your book” are very weak and feeble. I have published 4 books with Xulon and none of their marketing and distribution efforts produced for me.<br>

REPUTATION: It’s important that you find a book publisher you can trust. Well that’s quite obvious. Yet just because someone claims to be Christian or a big Christian company does not make them to be trustworthy. Hitler also claimed to be Christian. Owned by Salem Communications, which Xulon Press claims to be one of the country’s largest faith-based publishing and communications organizations, it is interesting that Xulon Press could not produce in their publicity package for any of my 4 books a single radio interview.<br>



Yet they sold the illusion on their website that you could get on Oprah or Larry King if authors used their publicity package. Hogwash! Salem Communications and Xulon Press together claim to be connected to more than 100 Christian radio stations, a cornucopia of Christian magazines, and more than 40 million monthly online page-views representing the largest faith-based audience on the Internet. Ironically and curiously, I as an author with Xulon Press never received a single radio interview or magazine article from Salem Communications promoting my books Xulon Press published .<br>

I can assure you the quality of my books content is noteworthy as by reason of my own publicity and hard work I was able to get radio interviews across the country (without any of Xulon’s help – for such help never came, though was falsely promised) and even radio interviews with several outstanding syndicated radio show hosts including Playboy Radio for 45 minutes about my book Adultery 101.<br>

As for Xulon Press and Salem however, their promises about radio stations and multiple magazines are empty promises that never delivered. Authors therefore should not be falsely seduced by such because Xulon Press is just selling assumptions as they are in the business of selling books. Their publicity services are the worst I’ve ever paid for.<br>

QUALITY: Xulon Press does print high-quality hardcover and paperback editions on a trade-quality cream-white paper and a cover stock that is UV coated for a sleek look that adds durability and longevity to your books.<br>

SPEED: Xulon promises you’ll be a published author in less than 90 days; then we can print your book in less than 60 seconds. A word of caution however is unless you submit everything according to Xulon’s specifications, Xulon won’t budge when it comes to your back cover layout (that is without a fee). Xulon wants it’s authors to submit no more than 300 words for the back cover. I once wanted to change the picture on the back cover and they tried to charge me $75 to do so! Thankfully upon refusing they waived the fee, but it was a mini-battle that was less than pleasant.<br>

YOU KEEP YOUR RIGHTS: Xulon lets you keep 100% of the rights to your book. If another publisher comes along and wants to publish your book, you are free to cancel your agreement with them anytime. This agreeably is a good thing for authors, but I have yet to try to do it. When that time comes if anything changes, I shall modify this article.<br>

DISTRIBUTION: Xulon claims to work with book distributors and retailers worldwide. They say your book will be available to 25,000 bookstores and for sale on the world’s biggest Internet sites including Amazon.com, Target.com, Borders.com, BarnesandNoble.com, and many others. True! Xulon does get your book listed with the above websites, for which I commend them. That’s a good thing for authors. I sure would like to know who the “many others” are by name.<br>

100% ROYALTIES: We are the only publisher who gives you a 100% royalty rate on copies sold to bookstores. Unlike other publishers, who keep up to 75% of your royalty, we give it all back to you.<br>

That is a plus for authors however the royalty check I received only amounted to $64 from Xulon Press for my 4 books – which is reason for concern. I recently received a letter from another Xulon author who also has yet to receive her royalty check. A third Xulon author wrote me telling me they felt they were overcharged and currently disputing some matters.<br>

Considering many of the executives running Xulon Press were trained and used to work for Creation House Publishers, lets compare apples to oranges.  I published 2 books with Creation House and always get more timely and larger royalty payments from Creation House than I do from Xulon with whom I published 4 books. You would think my royalty payments from Xulon would be larger, but it’s the reverse as my royalty checks from Creation House have been three figures versus Xulon’s two.<br>

HUGE WHOLESALE DISCOUNTS: Each time you purchase copies of your book we give you a HUGE wholesale discount of up to 70% off the retail price of your book. Up to….is always a clever way to say something from a sales perspective. Up to does not always mean you get it. “Up to” means at any given point in time you might randomly be able to. Certainly a 70% discount is good, but usually you have to buy a substantial quantity of books to apply for such a sizeable discount.<br>

I like this department at Xulon because their shipping department actually answers the phone. I suppose when a sale is involved this warrants immediate attention. <br>

PERSONAL ATTENTION: Xulon claims they are “here for you by telephone or e-mail whenever you need help or have a question.” My experience however has been that Xulon communicates best by email and is very good via correspondence. Via telephone I found rarely did they ever answer the telephone. That says a lot considering I published 4 books with them. POD publishing is such that other publishers like Publish America don’t ever answer their phones either and this is problematic for authors with questions needing to be answered. So at least Xulon is good about answering emails, which I found to be way better than trying to get through by phone.<br>

As a Xulon author I just want every author to get a fair shake and know the full details of the publishing agreement and with whom they are dealing. I can suggest some better publishing options for sure for the price and poor publicity offered by Xulon. Don’t buy the lie and swallow assumptions when publishing your prized book.<br>

If however you want a quick Christian publisher and aren’t worried about spending a little, go with Xulon and come to me for your publicity needs. <br>

Paul F Davis – author of “Supernatural Fire”; “Adultery 101”; “Are You Ready For True Love?”; and “Poems That Propel The Planet” all published with Xulon Press<br>



Paul F. Davis is a worldwide minister who has touched over 50 countries & 6 continents building bridges cross-culturally and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!<br>

Paul is the author of 14 books. Thanks to his own genius and publicity, Paul has appeared on Oprah & Friends, Fox News Radio, and Playboy Radio among many other shows to promote his books.<br>

Paul builds dreams, transcends limitations, and reconciles nations.<br>



Contact Paul for a book consultation if you are a serious author willing to invest in your future. Knowledge is power, time is money and your life’s work is precious. Design a publicity package that will produce for your book and maximize your message.<br>

Paul’s primary passion is writing and international speaking, but will consider helping a few promisng authors with projects of interest who pay him well.<br>

Paul is the author of 14 books emowering people to love passionately & live fearlessly.<br>


RevivingNations@yahoo.com <br>

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