Category Archives: new student success

New Teacher Success & Survival Secrets – What Principals & School Boards Don’t Tell You

As a new teacher I was eagerly hired with a smile by my principal, but thereafter treated much like a slave. The sudden shift in interpersonal approach was a bit of a shock. Nevertheless not expecting my employer to carry me, I happily moved forward to complete my job.

The school board after initial orientation never contacted me, nor kept in touch to see how I was doing. My school teaching mentor was more interested in her masters degree than helping me. When she finally got around to evaluate my lesson plans and provide suggestions, there were only a few weeks left in the school year.

As a new teacher you need to be extremely proactive and seek out help from your teaching mentor (often when you don’t even know you need help). By taking your work to your teaching mentor, asking questions, and being circumspect about every detail and facet of your teaching you are more likely to get the guidance you need (and discover areas for improvement).

Often teaching mentors are already overloaded with work, which means as a new teacher if you are not proactive and fail to seek them out, much of the helpful information they could potential impart and add to your career will never occur or be transferred. – worldwide speaker & life-changing author of 18 books including “New Teacher Success & Survival Secrets – What Principals & School Boards Don’t Tell You”

Invite educational consultant and speaker Paul F. Davis to your city to speak to your staff and educators.

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Filed under education, new seatbelt law in florida, new student success, new teacher, new teacher success, new teacher success secrets, new teacher survival strategies, new teachers success, teachers and nasty administrators, teachers in trouble, teachers struggling

College Student Success: Tolerance & Acceptance

Part of succeeding as a college student is growing as an adult and becoming mature enough to accept people who are not like you. Tolerance and acceptance means we give people the freedom to be their own unique selves without casting judgment or putting our map upon them.

Keep an open mind and be willing to challenge any stereotype you may have developed by reason of your parental upbringing.

If we are honest with ourselves, we can find levels of conditioning and brainwashing from society and even within our own family (perhaps unknowingly), where we improperly and erroneously began to believe an idea without first testing its validity.

I know when I began to help out my youth Pastor by providing a young African American a ride to church, my grandmother got a bit nervous. Me being the controversial and confrontational type, I humorously challenged my Nana’s racial fears and stereotype by saying: “What? You don’t like black people? Maybe I will marry a black woman.”

My grandmother did not like that, but it was sufficient for the racial undertones and biases to stop. Thereafter it was smooth sailing because I confronted my grandmother’s fear head on.

Often times stereotypes and racial bias is nothing more than a snap judgment derived from hidden fears about a race someone usually knows very little about.

Granted we all have bad experiences with people of all races, but that should not be reason to discard the entire race and ethnicity.

Truly there are brilliant and delightful people of every race on earth from whom we can learn things and happily enjoy life together. My world travels to over 50 countries and 6 continents has certainly proven and taught me this.

Go eat lunch with somebody of another race or cultural ethnic group. Be wise enough to realize that many wonderful contributions have come from people of all races. To deny yourself such meaningful interaction only shortcircuits and disconnects you from your full potential.

Rather than being fearful and getting labeled a hater, be a heartfelt helper to bridge the racial divide on your campus and happily bring people harmoniously together. worlwide speaker and author of “Diversity, Multiculturalism & Global Awareness”

Invite Paul to speak on your college campus and to your city!

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