Tag Archives: prison

Intellectually Incarcerated

Intellectually incarcertated

What on earth does that mean?

It means I am bound to make money

To survive and sustain myself daily

Therefore my gifts, talents, and abilities

Must be maximized for profitability

Thereby I must put on hold my creativity

Until I secure investors to undergird me

Until I figure out and master monetization

Of my intellectual property and creations

Hence I do understand a bit about incarceration

Although by no means is this my heartfelt intention

On the contrary, I loathe all about the penitentiary

I just want to live freely and express myself in liberty

God help me break free of these financial constraints

That continually seek to enslave and hold my creativity.

Paul F Davis – author of POEMS THAT PROPEL THE PLANET and several other books



Paul F. Davis is a world-changing leadership & diversity speaker who has touched over 50 countries & 6 continents building bridges cross-culturally and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!


Paul is the author of 14 books. Paul has appeared on numerous internationally broadcast radio shows from Oprah & Friends to Fox News Radio to talk about conflict resolution, peacemaking, foreign policy, and diplomacy. Playboy Radio host Tiffany Granath calls Paul an “awesome” relational coach and recommends his books on love, dating, and sexuality.


Academically outstanding Davis was trained in transformative mediation & conflict resolution (Hofstra Law School); strategic negotiations (Harvard Business School & U. of Washington); advanced interrogation (Reid & Associates founders of the polygraph); and NLP & Life Coaching (NLP & Coaching Institute of California).


Paul humorously and elegantly transforms individuals and organizations.


Paul’s organization Dream-Maker Inc. builds dreams, transcends limitations, & reconciles nations.


Paul worked at Ground Zero in NYC during 9/11; helped rebuild a home at the tsunami epicenter; comforted victims of genocide in Rwanda; spoke to leaders in East Timor during the war; inspired students & monks in Myanmar; promoted peace & reconciliation in Pakistan; and has been so deep into the bush of rural Africa where villagers had never before seen a white man.


Paul empowers people to love passionately and live fearlessly.





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Filed under education, employment & job opportunities, freedom, health & wellness, overcoming adversity, poetry, spirituality, wealth and prosperity

Lake County Corrections in Tavares, Florida Violates Constitutional Right of Inmates to Receive Mail Compliments of Kenneth Zimmerman

What’s going on in the mail room at Lake County Corrections in Florida?

Lake County Corrections jail in Tavares, Florida violates the Constitutional rights of inmates to receive mail from family and friends.

RevivingNations@yahoo.com / gmail.com

Ironically, they who claim to enforce the law are themselves violating the highest supreme law of the land. The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution permits freedom of speech and equal access to intellectual property, which dissemination of Lake County Corrections blatantly hinders and denies its inmates.


Worldwide minister & author Paul Davis personal letters to an inmate at Lake County Corrections (Tavares, FL) were repeatedly denied, labeled illegal, and censored. When Davis phoned to speak to Ms. Williams within the mail room, Williams advised Davis to send the letter addressed to her and white out the website below the poem Davis an author had personally written. Williams assured Davis once the website below was removed, the correspondence would go through to the inmate.

The initial letter was returned and on the exterior of the envelop was written “illegal contraband”. Davis who worked on Ground Zero the first week of 9/11 found this a bit amusing, considering all he had sent to the inmate was a poem he had written about Albert Einstein. “I guess that was too much intellectual stimulation for the corrections officers and inmates.” Davis laughingly said.


However upon the third attempt to send letters previously denied, Davis to his surprise after following Ms. Williams protocol received the bundle of previous denied letters that he had whited out the websites below and attempted to send again. This time the denial was marked “Not allowed due to content.”

It seems Lake County Corrections does not only refuse mail, it also now censors it.

Upon phoning Ms. Williams boss officer Kenneth Zimmerman, Davis asked him for the written criteria for what mail is refused. Zimmerman replied, “Well, that’s always changing.”

Davis responded, “How convenient for you. Well sir, please send me the list of the last documented publication requirements and stipulations as to what criteria and categories of mail are to be denied so I can comply.”

Zimmerman contradicted his subordinate Williams telling Davis poems were to be excluded altogether. When Davis told Zimmerman he was an author and wrote the material himself along with 14 books, Zimmerman told Davis to mail the books through a bookstore.

David responded, “I’m not endeavoring to mail a book. I am simply trying to send a poem which I personally wrote and typed.”

Zimmerman spilled the beans saying, “Well anything that looks like a download we reject. It has to be hand written.”

It seems they in the mail room at Lake County Corrections lazily reject mail before adequately and thoroughly looking through its contents. Obviously the tendency is to lazily deny rather than approve. This was a direct contradiction to what Williams told author Davis a week ago that typed poems and letters were permissible.

Yet whatever ‘hot water’ the mail room staff thinks they are staying out of by haphazardly denying legitimate mail will soon backfire on them when Constitutional attorneys take this to the Supreme Court.

Davis who completed a year of law school himself in New York said, “It seems the ‘good old boys’ down there at Lake County Corrections just do about whatever they want despite the Constitutional perimeters and the statutes within the supreme law of the land governing us all.”

Paul F Davis – author of United States of Arrogance

RevivingNations@yahoo.com / gmail.com

I received an email dated June 5, 2008 from Robin Bourn that said:

“My son is in Lake County Corrections currently awaiting a parole violation hearing. He was five days from being released from parole and Florida violated him due to a DUI in Arizona, which is where he has lived since his release from Florida a year ago.  I believe his rights are being violated, as they have put him in  solitary confinement for having a candy bar belonging to another inmate (this is what I was told on the phone).  He is not allowed to receive mail while in solitary.  Is this a violation of his rights and is there anything I can do? I live in Indiana and am extremely concerned about what I’m being told about the conditions he is being kept in.  I don’t know what to do and the lady on the phone at the prison was very rude and no help. Thank you for any advice or help you can give.”



Paul’s organization Dream-Maker Inc. builds dreams, transcends limitations, & reconciles nations.

Paul F. Davis is a highly sought after worldwide professional speaker, prolific author, human rights activist, provocateur, and minister.

Academically outstanding Davis was trained in transformative mediation & conflict resolution (Hofstra Law School); strategic negotiations (Harvard Business School); advanced interrogation (Reid & Associates founders of the polygraph).


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Filed under america, crime, fl, florida, freedom, leadership, legal matters, safety

Senator John McCain Courts NRA – National Rifle Association, Good or Bad for America?

I noticed Senator John McCain recently spoke to the NRA (National Rifle Association) expressing his support of the 2nd Amendment’s rights to bear arms.

Good or bad for America? Certainly we as a country have seen more killings and incarcerations than any nation on earth. Something NOT to be proud about.

Yet taking away good peoples guns maybe isn’t the answer either. If only the bad guys have guns and some local cops call in sick and the police force is understaffed, where does that leave we the people? If you’re living out in the country and need to protect yourself against wild animals, shouldn’t you be allowed to have a gun?

On the other hand it’s organizations like the NRA that enable guns to be sold and freely in circulation for purchase in the first place.  If guns weren’t able to be so easily bought, high school murders and college rage shootings wouldn’t be happening. Moreover the bad guys wouldn’t be able to get their hands on “a piece” as easily.

I’m very undecided on the matter frankly, but I do realize and know something has got to be done and quick.

Your thoughts on the matter?

Paul F Davis – author of United States of Arrogance



Paul F. Davis is a world-changing leadership & diversity speaker who has touched over 50 countries & 6 continents building bridges cross-culturally and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!

Paul is the author of 14 books, two nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. Paul has appeared on numerous internationally broadcast radio shows from Oprah & Friends to Fox News Radio to talk about conflict resolution, peacemaking, foreign policy, and diplomacy.

Paul worked at Ground Zero in NYC during 9/11; helped rebuild a home at the tsunami epicenter; comforted victims of genocide in Rwanda; spoke to leaders in East Timor during the war; inspired students & monks in Myanmar; promoted peace & reconciliation in Pakistan; and has been so deep into the bush of rural Africa where villagers had never before seen a white man.

Playboy Radio host Tiffany Granath calls Paul an “awesome” relational coach and recommends his books on love, dating, and sexuality.

Academically outstanding Paul humorously and elegantly transforms individuals and organizations.

Paul empowers people to love passionately and live fearlessly.


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Filed under america, legal matters, safety