Category Archives: religion

Christmas Presents Or Christ’s Divine Presence? Christmas Gone Awry, When For Presents We Do Cry

Christmas presents or Christ’s divine Presence?

Christmas presents or Christ’s divine Presence?

Surely Christmas has gone desperately awry

When for presents we do manipulate and cry

While entirely neglecting the reason why

Christ the Savior of the world was born

Did humbly come to earth and was crucified

Died for a sinful humanity and rose miraculously – books that impart Christ’s Presence

Yet most in the world only celebrate the baby
Christ the King born in a humble manger
However only remembering Him as such
Is by far more odd, awkward, and stranger
To not embrace the fullness of the blessing of Christ
Being forgetful of His supreme blood sacrifice
When He died on the cross of crucifixion
To liberate and give us newness of life
Why then all the commercialism and materialism
When we commemorate and remember His birth
Have we forgotten the King of kings divine worth
The awesomeness of His mighty, powerful Presence
Seeking to replace it with something called presents
Wherein we lose the precious value of the divine
Passing by the importance of peace within sublime
Opting and preferring shopping with greed’s slime
Seduction, attraction, and evil consumeristic allure
Of this one thing I am sure. We have lost the meaning
Of the blessed Christ and the season called Christmas
As we salivate and refuse to hesitate to restrain ourselves
From pursuing gifts under the tree, while we simultaneously
Sway in instability having been robbed of inner tranquility
Which we’ve replaced with stuff and things materially
That mesmerize and leave us afterward feeling empty
Therefore as for me and my family, give us divine Presence
Because Christ’s divine Presence is the most special present
Any person or family could receive and embrace daily
Hence a gift exchange of presents for divine Presence
Is always blessed and bestows gifts of divine intangibility.
I pray the warmth of Christ’s Spirit will help you feel and see
The wonders of Christmas today, tomorrow, and eternally. –  books that impart Christ’s Presence

Paul F. Davis is a world-changer who has touched over 50 countries & 6 continents building bridges cross-culturally and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!

Paul is the author of 14 books. Paul has appeared on numerous internationally broadcast radio shows from Oprah & Friends to Fox News Radio to talk about conflict resolution, peacemaking, foreign policy, and diplomacy.

Even Playboy Radio Afternoon Advice host Tiffany Granath calls Paul an awesome relational coach and recommends his books on love, dating, and sexuality.

Paul empowers people to love passionately and live fearlessly.

Paul F. Davis is a world-changer who has touched over 50 countries, more than 50 islands, and 6 continents empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!

Paul is the author of 14 books and premier life coach building dreams, transcending limitations, and transforming individuals and organizations. Paul is a change master that knows how to play with pain, while elegantly and humorously navigating through transition to ride the waves of change.

Invite Paul to minister in your city and bring a great awakening.


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Filed under christian conservative, christianity, religion, spirituality



You bite your tongue


You experience friendly fire

In the heat of military combat


You cut yourself when shaving


You overindulge when craving


You trip when you’re walking


You lock your keys in the car


You get lost and don’t know

Exactly where you are?


You accidentally sound your car alarm,

Talk hastily and cause unecessary harm,

Flirt and display your communicative charm.


You put your foot deep in your mouth

As you speak prematurely in conversation

Angering, insulting, and causing degradation.


Your complaints reveal to you yourself

Your selfishness without anyone else

Needing to show you or reveal your ways

Because circumstances are consistent always

As you live your life season by season, day by day


Your weaknesses diminish your ego

Empower you to humbly as an adult grow

Enter into divine relationship and supernatural flow

Whereafter you connect with the Creator to truly know

Sometimes we fall, fail, flail, and flounder along the way

But nevertheless the God of love far above does with us stay.

His grace overcomes our flaws and empowers us always.

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Filed under adventure, health & wellness, leadership, religion, spirituality, wealth and prosperity

Be a Missionary Teacher to Asia Where Two-Thirds of the World Lives and Make a Difference

Traveling the world as a missionary teacher is the most exciting, adventurous, and fulfilling thing you will ever do. My travels thus far have taken me to over 50 countries, more than 50 islands, and 6 continents where I have impacted the world.


Now for a limited time I am extending the opportunity to a few special people desirous of living and teaching abroad. The primary requirements are you must have a BA / BS degree from a college / University, be a native English speaker from the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or England and be 25-40 years.


The age requirement is a bit flexible if you are professional, mature, and can conduct yourself well since this is a covert operation. You will be working in public and reputable private schools where you will be highly visible. Hence the position requires professionalism and tact as these are not Christian schools. You want to “seek and save the lost” right? (Luke 19:10) If so, then get ready for some deep sea fishing adventures with God! (Mark 1:17)


Single persons are most desirous given the ease for the schools in providing accommodations. Nevertheless married couples are also encouraged to apply. 


[u]If interested, kindly reply[/u] to and (to be sure I receive your letter through the spam filters) [u]answering the following questions below.[/u]






Marital status:     


What are your motivations/reasons to teach English in Japan?



What experience do you have teaching children?



Do you have any special accommodation requirements (e.g. married couple etc)?


Do you have any health problems?

Y/N (if yes, explain how these may affect your role as an ESL Teacher)


Where have you traveled overseas?                                          


Can you speak Japanese (**NOT necessary***)?

Y/N (if so to what level?                       )


Are you licensed to drive a vehicle?


If required, are you able to ride a pushbike (max distance approx 10 km)? Y/N


Any other information / skills / talents you possess?


[u]Please kindly send your answers to[/u] and (to be sure I receive your letter through the spam filters) [u]answering the following questions below.[/u]


Paul F. Davis is a world-changer who has touched over 50 countries, more than 50 islands, and 6 continents empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!


Paul is the author of 14 books and premier life coach building dreams, breaking limitations, and transforming individuals and organizations. Paul is a change master that knows how to play with pain, while elegantly and humorously navigating through transition and riding the waves of change.


– Paul worked at Ground Zero in New York City the first week of 9/11, two stops from Brooklyn Heights where Paul used to live. Paul drove a rental car up to NYC from Orlando, FL as all airports were shut down for national security reasons.


– Paul helped a Muslim young man rebuild his home at the tsunami epicenter in Indonesia and spoke to tribal groups in Wamena who are “naked and not ashamed.”


– Paul comforted victims of genocide in Rwanda and Burundi where 1.2 million people were slaughtered.


– Paul spoke to leaders in East Timor during the war for independence before the UN recognized the new nation.


– Paul addressed University students and monks in Myanmar working together to achieve democracy.


– Paul spoke throughout war-torn East Africa journeying deep into the “bush” where villagers have never seen a white man.


– Paul lived in and lectured throughout India and China the two largest populaces on earth.


– Paul journeyed to Pakistan twice since 9/11 to speak to large audiences about peace, non-violence, and reconciliation.


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Filed under adventure, ESOL teacher, family & friends, health & wellness, living la vida loca, make a difference, make friends, religion, spirituality, world, World Travel

Divine Coincidences – Miracles Happen

Divine coincidences

Breathe and believe

Believe and receive

Pray and obey

Not just a cute cliche

Miracles happen everyday

Put feet to your faith today!

Paul F. Davis is a world-changer who has touched over 50 countries, more than 50 islands, and 6 continents empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!

Paul is the author of 14 books and premier life coach building dreams, breaking limitations, and transforming individuals and organizations. Paul is a change master that knows how to play with pain, while elegantly and humorously navigating through transition and riding the waves of change.

– Paul worked at Ground Zero in New York City the first week of 9/11, two stops from Brooklyn Heights where Paul used to live. Paul drove a rental car up to NYC from Orlando, FL as all airports were shut down for national security reasons.

– Paul helped a Muslim young man rebuild his home at the tsunami epicenter in Indonesia and spoke to tribal groups in Wamena who are “naked and not ashamed.”

– Paul comforted victims of genocide in Rwanda and Burundi where 1.2 million people were slaughtered.

– Paul spoke to leaders in East Timor during the war for independence before the UN recognized the new nation.

– Paul addressed University students and monks in Myanmar working together to achieve democracy.

– Paul spoke throughout war-torn East Africa journeying deep into the “bush” where villagers have never seen a white man.

– Paul lived in and lectured throughout India and China the two largest populaces on earth.

– Paul journeyed to Pakistan twice since 9/11 to speak to large audiences about peace, non-violence, and reconciliation.

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Filed under adventure, health & wellness, religion, spirituality

Denominations are Funny – Leave Religiosity, Enjoy Spirituality

Denominations are funny as they try to hold, enslave, and contain humanity. Denominations never seem to realize human beings don’t tend towad conformity.  Only spirituality can give birth to genuine inspiration and divine authenticity.

Humans therefore need spontaneity and opportunity to draw near to God without rigidity. Such liberty is joyous and intoxicating, refreshing and invigorating.

Paul F Davis – worldwide minister and author of God vs. Religion

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Filed under fun, inspiration, knowledge, religion, spirituality, truth, understanding, wisdom

Enthusiasm – Faith Set on Fire, Fresh Fire from Heaven

Enthusiasm it is said is faith set on fire. Well, given the amount of unbelieving believers in the church full of doubt and unbelief, it seems some folks obviously need some fresh fire from heaven.

The word enthusiasm in the Greek contains the word “theo” which speaks of deity. Theo being the divine God reveals to humanity the source of enthusiasm.  Society has mastered the art of consumerism, but after most of us get what we want, we no longer want what we’ve got and feel quite disenchanted after the quest of acquisition is over.

That being said people often seek innumerable asms, but it is only when we get a God asm that we enter divine ecstasy and discover joy full of glory overflowing radiantly. The joy of the Lord alone is our strength and source of satisfaction (see Nehemiah 8:10). In God’s Presence there is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11).

So get God in your life and the Holy Spirit will breathe within you divine life, imparting into your heart enthusiasm and causing your mental spasm to be freed so you can live fully. Enter the joy of the Lord and discover the joy of living spiritually. Move being mental reasoning and taste and see God’s goodness daily.

Paul F Davis – worldwide minister touching heaven and changing earth

Paul F. Davis is a world-changer who has touched over 50 countries & 6 continents building bridges cross-culturally and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!


Paul is the author of 14 books. Paul has appeared on numerous internationally broadcast radio shows from Oprah & Friends to Fox News Radio to talk about conflict resolution, peacemaking, foreign policy, and diplomacy. Playboy Radio’s Afternoon Advice host Tiffany Granath calls Paul an “awesome” relational coach and recommends his books on love, dating, and sexuality.


Academically outstanding Davis was trained in transformative mediation & conflict resolution (Hofstra Law School); strategic negotiations (Harvard Business School & U. of Washington); advanced interrogation (Reid & Associates founders of the polygraph); and NLP & Life Coaching (NLP & Coaching Institute of California).


Paul humorously and elegantly transforms individuals and organizations.


Paul’s organization Dream-Maker Ministries builds dreams, transcends limitations, and reconciles nations.


Paul worked at Ground Zero in NYC during 9/11; helped rebuild a home at the tsunami epicenter; comforted victims of genocide in Rwanda; spoke to leaders in East Timor during the war; inspired students & monks in Myanmar; promoted peace & reconciliation in Pakistan; and has been so deep into the bush of rural Africa where villagers had never before seen a white man.


Paul empowers people to love God passionately and live their dreams fearlessly.

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Filed under adventure, freedom, happiness, health & wellness, joy, religion, spirituality, wealth and prosperity

Ayatollah Khomeini – Reflection Or Misrepresentation of God?

Ayatollah Khomeini meaning in Farsi

The reflection of God, but in reality

This could be disputed wholeheartedly

Because misrepresentations diligently

Exert and assert their religious orthodoxy

Nevertheless this does not assure accuracy

According to religion, opinion, and divinity

The Ayatollah was asinine to very many

As for countless Iranians he was most holy

But as for his claim to fame, it’s controversy

A skillful political tool indeed for any clergy

To arrest the attention of media spiritually

Yet demonizing America so arrogantly

Taking U.S. hostages at the embassy

Keeping them for 444 days mercilessly

Although sending a message successfully

Awaking the world to a nation’s religiosity

While breeding intense hatred and animosity

Galvanizing a nation with anti-American oratory

Ousting the leading shah without hesitancy

Bringing about an ideological shift powerfully

Carving out for Iran a position internationally

Stopping capitalistic imperialists seeking oil only

At the expense of the Iranian people and economy

For all the wrong and hatred Khomeini created

We must also acknowledge sincerely and honestly

The pride he restored to his homeland and nation

Unfortunately it came through hostility and oppression

Rigid rules, uneasy tradition, and brutal extermination

Of dissidents, and for women the veil and imprisonment

Enslavement and removal of civil rights for the people

So Khomeini could have the facade of societal approval

A charade of monstrous proportions and distortions

An evil oligarchy and demonic theocracy for Khomeini

Mesmermize the masses masterfully against the mighty

“The great Satan” which has made the world drunk

By reason of its music, movies, TV, and media

Yet by simultaneously creating a terrorist state

A revolution of hate and death is Khomeini’s fate.

by Paul F Davis – author of United States of Arrogance and Poems That Propel The Planet

Paul F. Davis is a world-changer who has touched over 50 countries & 6 continents building bridges cross-culturally and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!


Paul is the author of 14 books. Paul has appeared on numerous internationally broadcast radio shows from Oprah & Friends to Fox News Radio to talk about conflict resolution, peacemaking, foreign policy, and diplomacy. Playboy Radio’s Afternoon Advice host Tiffany Granath calls Paul an “awesome” relational coach and recommends his books on love, dating, and sexuality.


Academically outstanding Davis was trained in transformative mediation & conflict resolution (Hofstra Law School); strategic negotiations (Harvard Business School & U. of Washington); advanced interrogation (Reid & Associates founders of the polygraph); and NLP & Life Coaching (NLP & Coaching Institute of California).


Paul humorously and elegantly transforms individuals and organizations.


Paul’s organization Dream-Maker Inc. builds dreams, transcends limitations, & reconciles nations.


Paul worked at Ground Zero in NYC during 9/11; helped rebuild a home at the tsunami epicenter; comforted victims of genocide in Rwanda; spoke to leaders in East Timor during the war; inspired students & monks in Myanmar; promoted peace & reconciliation in Pakistan; and has been so deep into the bush of rural Africa where villagers had never before seen a white man.


Paul empowers people to love passionately and live fearlessly.

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Filed under america & politics, inspiration & motivation, international affairs, international affairs & diplomacy, leadership, politics and foreign policy, religion, see the world, spirituality, World Travel Censorship, Suspension, and U.S. Constitution Violation – Ezine Articles Political and Patriotic Censorship

As the author of 831 articles and poems at I was recently suspended from future submissions for no apparent reason, being given no warning whatsoever. My last poem submitted and not yet approved before suspension of my account was titled “American Fascism and Nationalism Gone Awry”

Although I have written the editorial staff, no reply has come forth yet.  Here below was my last letter to the ezinearticles staff. 

As we celebrate the 4th of July, I a man who worked at Ground Zero the first week of 9/11 and was intimately acquainted with our national grief, ask you a question.

Is it possible for Benjamin Franklin the drafter of the Declaration of Independence to be patriotic while writing an essay titled “Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One”?

Was Benjamin Franklin against the very America he helped construct? I say on the contrary. Yet he was honest enough as a citizen of the world, as a man esteemed in France and Great Britain, to address the flaws and dangers which he saw in his own country.

Am I less of a citizen for doing likewise?  Should my words and writings be censored and the U.S. Constitution violated so your patriotism is not questioned? What would Benjamin Franklin say?

Paul F Davis – author of United States of Arrogance and Poems That Propel The Planet

American foolhardy fascism

Causing international schism

Global wars and demonization

Unprecedented hostile division

Political arrogance and polarization

Is this democracy truly freedom?

Or merely hypocrisy and domination

By aristocracy in government serving self

Profiting greedily and hurting everyone else

A lame duck in the White House floating

Our currency, bankrupting our country

Destroying our international credibility

With his executive new world disorder

The son worse than the oil rich father

Covertly operating and kissing Saudis

Bowing to oil rich, terrorist supporting royalty

Yet at home rhetorically saying support the troops

While his dealings and policy do something else

Nationalism done in the name of morality is not godly

Neither is it in the best interest of national security

As we irritate, anger, and create new terrorists daily

Why can’t we open our eyes, be honest, and see

That our foreign policy is presumptuous and proud

Full of deceit, phony intel, WMD, and lies to cloud

The good American people’s judgment to resolve

Hopefully Obama can get elected and problems solve

Before the USA does soon disintegrate and dissolve

In an abyss of ignorance, arrogance, and global defiance

America must realize around it the world does not revolve.

God break us free from our own propaganda and presumption

Our tendency has been global alienation and alleviation of truth

As our leaders lie, deny, detour us, and call opposition uncouth

Yet the reality is it is those who vainly lead the show that must go!

They have called immorality American, to which the people say no!

Invading nations, occupying lands, and killing innocents is not democracy

Neither are leaders who don’t take responsibility and deceive with duplicity.

God expose the lies and restore to this crumbling nation truth and liberty.

Paul F Davis – author of Poems That Propel The Planet: Love, Liberation, & Reconciliation

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Filed under america, america & politics, business, economics, commerce, freedom, politics, politics and foreign policy, religion, war, wealth and prosperity, World Travel

Cleanse Your House of the Curse of Complaining

This day in prayer and meditation in God’s Word I have located the thief that has been stealing my blessing (our blessing).
A foul spirit of complaining, the majority of which occurs through our mouths!
Know assuredly they who murmur against the Lord shall be swiftly punished and demoted from their heavenly calling, being brought down to menial labor and servitude (see Joshua 9:18-21).
The curse of hard labor came upon the murmurers because they refused to believe and continually complained (Joshua 9:22-23).
If you want to murmur and complain against your spouse and the Lord, I assure you your life will only get worse because God does not bless complainers. In fact God makes complainers lives more hard and difficult, doing unto them according to their words (Numbers 14:28).
So that being said, I urge you to leave your complaints.  I don’t want them in my house, my heart, nor do I want them to fill my ears.  I’m going forward into the promised land.  Enter into such joy of the Lord with me, but your heart must change .
The choice is yours!
Choose this day whom you will serve – God, yourself, or the devil.
“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live.” (Deuteronomy 30:19).
If you choose to be blessed, no complaining will be tolerated. So if you want to keep your bitterness and complaining, stay with the devil and don’t profess to be a Christian.
If you want to cleanse your heart, be holy, and be happy – you shall be free to live the abundant life in Christ and be fully received and celebrated by God.
However there shall be no more complaining. From this day forward men must put their foot down. Husbands tell your wivews, if you are going to live in my house, dwell under my roof, eat my food, use my AC, drive my car, use my gas……no more complaining, no more bad attitude, no more stinking thinking, no more whining, no more cursing me with a foul tongue. No more! No more! No more!
Fall on your knees and get your heart right before God or don’t come home. 
Tell your wife and kids you love them, but in loving them you have an obligation to speak the truth to them and demand the best of them (yourself too).
Your best friends bring out the best in you!  Hence I am your best friend.  I don’t flatter you, I apply pressure to bring out the best in you.  If you want to stay low and be miserable the rest of your life, stay there and find some miserable comforters.  Misery loves company.
If however you want to be a true man or woman with honor and integrity, cleanse your heart and come home. Fall on your knees and call upon the Lord to fix, renew, and give you newness of life.
You are loved unconditionally, but you are being challenged to grow into manhood and womanhood.
“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). 
“Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report; if there by any virtue, any praise, think on these things…..and the God of peace shall be with you.” (Philippians 4:4-9)
God is challenging you to be empowered, be equipped, be renewed, and be your best.
Only as you humble yourself and rid your heart of arrogance will you be blessed.
All my love accompanied with truth to set the captives free!
If there is one wish I have for you, it is that you find peace.  The remedy and prescription is stated above. 
Paul F Davis – author of Breakthrough For A Broken Heart

Paul F. Davis is a world-changing leadership & diversity speaker who has touched over 50 countries & 6 continents building bridges cross-culturally and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!


Paul is the author of 14 books. Paul has appeared on numerous internationally broadcast radio shows from Oprah & Friends to Fox News Radio to talk about conflict resolution, peacemaking, foreign policy, and diplomacy. Playboy Radio’s Afternoon Advice host Tiffany Granath calls Paul an “awesome” relational coach and recommends his books on love, dating, and sexuality.


Academically outstanding Davis was trained in transformative mediation & conflict resolution (Hofstra Law School); strategic negotiations (Harvard Business School & U. of Washington); advanced interrogation (Reid & Associates founders of the polygraph); and NLP & Life Coaching (NLP & Coaching Institute of California).


Paul humorously and elegantly transforms individuals and organizations.


Paul’s organization Dream-Maker Inc. builds dreams, transcends limitations, & reconciles nations.


Paul worked at Ground Zero in NYC during 9/11; helped rebuild a home at the tsunami epicenter; comforted victims of genocide in Rwanda; spoke to leaders in East Timor during the war; inspired students & monks in Myanmar; promoted peace & reconciliation in Pakistan; and has been so deep into the bush of rural Africa where villagers had never before seen a white man.


Paul empowers people to love passionately and live fearlessly.

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Filed under christianity, commitment, family & friends, freedom, health & wellness, leadership, love and marriage, parenting, parenting & child care, relationships, religion, spirituality, wealth and prosperity, women's issues

Holy Spirit Etiquette and Praying with Violent Faith – Todd Bentley, Lee Grady, and Charisma

Somebody sent me Lee Grady’s recent article (posted below), which I agree with in part. Undoubtedly unusual occurrences and methods are at times prompted by the Holy Spirit, but the normal practice is to walk in the fruit of the Holy Spirit while yielding to and giving place to God’s mighty manifestations.

I remember when I was ministering throughout France one guy came to the altar with a spirit of pride and began speaking in demonic tongues. I felt led by the Spirit to hit him in the stomach and dislodge the demon troubling him. I gave him a good beating to say the least, but honestly the breakthrough never came because of my fleshly violence. The breakthrough came when I simply asked (well, kind of commanded in the spirit of boldness – to the joy and perhaps embarassment of his wife) the man to get on his knees.

Once the man was on his knees and surrendered his life to Jesus, then the drama stopped and the gentle Holy Spirit powerfully did his work in the man’s heart. How do I know the Spirit led the unusual altercation at the altar which was unordinary for me? Well, the man wasn’t offended in the least and went away happy. Perhaps he was simply so hungry for God that he was gracious to get ahold of the Lord any way possible. Nevertheless there was something accomplished with boldness and gentleness simultaneously.

We therefore must be led by the Spirit to love and lift people into the loving Presence of a living God. (Romans 8:14)

Check out my France video for a good laugh and a lesson in spiritual dynamics –

Paul F Davis – author of God vs. Religion


-by J. Lee Grady (Charisma).

Lakeland Revival leader Todd Bentley’s unusual prayer methods
have triggered questions about Holy Spirit etiquette. For weeks the
blogosphere has been sizzling with comments, pro and con, about
the unusual ministry style of Todd Bentley, the leader of the
Lakeland Revival in Florida. Thousands of people have watched the
tattooed evangelist shout “Bam! Bam!” as he prays for the sick and
interviews those who say they were instantly healed.

Nobody could ever accuse Bentley of lacking zeal. And he always
gives Jesus the credit for the healings he announces on God TV
every night. But he has come under fire because of video clips
from a sermon in which he says the Holy Spirit told him to use
violent means to heal people.

The sermon, preached in Lakeland and posted on YouTube,
features Bentley demonstrating how he (1) banged a woman’s
crippled legs “like a baseball bat” on a stage; (2) tackled,
and choked a man to free him from a demon; (3) shoved a Chinese
man to the ground to pray for him (causing the man to lose a tooth);
(4) kicked an older woman in the face with his biker boot to heal
her; and (5) “leg-dropped” a pastor—a professional wrestling
popularized by Hulk Hogan, in which the aggressor jumps in the
air and lands on his opponent with one leg outstretched.

When we asked Bentley about his unorthodox methods, he
assured Charisma that none of the people were hurt and that
many were healed. He also explained that British evangelist Smith
Wigglesworth, a legend in the hall of fame of Pentecostal
preachers, used similar methods.

So if Wigglesworth healed a man by punching him in the stomach,
and Bentley sees similar results by using techniques borrowed
from the World Wrestling Entertainment, does that mean we
should teach all altar workers to become more aggressive?

I know that people have been healed in the meetings in Lakeland. I
know of a woman from South Carolina who was healed of cystic
fibrosis while sitting in one of Bentley’s services. (She was never
touched by anyone.) I also know a man from California who was
healed of sleep apnea while watching the Lakeland revival on
television. Jesus is most definitely still in the healing business.

I also know that Bentley is not performing Hulk Hogan stunts from
the stage in Lakeland every night. But because his comments
about violent prayer have been so widely broadcast, we need to
call a timeout and make it clear that hitting people is wrong, period.
Bentley’s teaching on unorthodox prayer methods should include a
disclaimer: “DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME.” Here are three reasons why:

1. The Holy Spirit is gentle. Jesus boldly drove the moneychangers
out of the temple with a whip. But when He prayed for sick people,
there is no record of Him head-banging or leg-dropping anyone. He
rebuked evil spirits authoritatively, but He never hit, slapped,
choked, mounted or kicked a person. He was meek, which means
He knew how to control His strength, and He never threw His
weight around.

When He commissioned His followers to heal the sick, Jesus told
them to “lay” hands on them (Mark 16:18). Since gentleness is
part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit (along with kindness—see Gal.
5:22-23), any ministry we do should be tempered with mercy and

2. If we minister in the flesh, we will reap flesh. Several years ago I
was standing near the stage in a large meeting when a visiting
evangelist said he wanted to pray for all the ministers in the room.
Immediately some ushers yanked me up to the platform and the
man of God raced over to “pray” for me. Before I knew it, I was
assaulted in the name of the Lord.

Whack! The guy hit me so hard that I fell down and held my face in
my hands to hide my grimace. The skin on my neck was stinging.
When I finally went back to my seat, a friend ran over to
congratulate me, saying, “Wow, I saw you go down under the
power!” I had to grit my teeth and ask the Lord to help me forgive
the preacher who inflicted pain instead of a holy impartation.

Why do we think that more bodies on the floor equals “more
anointing”—especially when the evangelist shoves people to the
ground or slaps them silly? To build a ministry on such foolish
theatrics is to trust in the arm of the flesh.

3. Somebody’s going to get hurt. We reported last week that a
Tennessee man sued his charismatic church because its pastoral
staff did not provide the proper “catchers” when he fell down
a prayer meeting last year. Matthew Lincoln of Knoxville said he
struck the hard floor of the sanctuary with his head and aggravated
a disc problem in his back, resulting in the need for surgery.

I don’t know the specifics of the situation in Knoxville, Tenn., and
it may be that this church has done everything possible to provide
a caring atmosphere in their meetings. Plus, the man suing the
church does not say anyone hit him or knocked him over. But
serious accidents are bound to happen if we don’t stress the
importance of ministering with gentleness and wisdom.

In our zany charismatic world we often let our zeal run wild. I’ve
been in services in which all kinds of injuries happened. Once I
watched a 300-pound man fall on a frail woman. I’ve seen heads
hit metal chairs. I’ve seen evangelists step on people’s arms and
legs. We may say the Holy Spirit is moving, but—more often than
we want to admit—our chaos may be a sign of our immaturity.

Please understand me. I desperately want the power of God to
invade our churches. I’ve been in meetings in which the Lord’s
glory was so thick that no one could stand up. I have felt the
weight of His presence fall like a blanket on a congregation. And I
remember falling to the floor when I got within four feet of a humble
Indian preacher who barely touched people on the forehead when
he prayed for them.

We don’t have to force things to happen. God’s power is real. May
we never settle for a man-made imitation.

~J. Lee Grady is editor of Charisma.

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